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Client Health Initiative

Health Comes First

Good health is best supported by great information. Our company was founded with a far-reaching but life changing goal: save the lives of the mentally ill, by changing public perception.


One in five American's experience a mental health problem per year. Yet many of them refuse to seek treatment due to fears of ostracization or worse, being labeled.

Supportive Housing Program

The reason we have the number one Supportive Housing program in our area is simple-positive thinking and a supportive environment can go really far.

State Certifed Staff

The key to our success is a great staff. Each of our team members undergoes a rigorous recipient rights training protocol, emergency response education, and medication administration curriculum.


The misconception about mental illness can be alleviated with honest and open discussion. Most-if not all-are unaware that there is no mentally ill or mentally healthy. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services debunks this line of thinking by estimating that only about 17% of adults are in a state of "optimal" mental health. 

Program Enhancement

While the Superior Visions Supportive Housing program is crafted to meet the demands of the developmentally disabled, we are constantly striving for improvement. If you are a mental health professional contact us so that together, we can make a difference in enhancing the level of quality care received by the mentally ill.

Staff Dynamics

Many health programs lack quality communications to keep industry professionals informed. For this very reason, our employees participate with various mental health agencies to gain insight and share an honest perspective on the state of the industry. With this organic approach, our staff is able to grow as professionals, and human beings.

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